Unlocking the Power of GPU Acceleration with cuDF and pandas

Summary: This article delves into the world of GPU acceleration for data analytics, focusing on how cuDF and its pandas accelerator mode can significantly enhance the performance of pandas workflows. By leveraging the parallel processing capabilities of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), data scientists can achieve faster execution times and more efficient data analysis. The cuDF.pandas profiler is a crucial tool in this process, providing detailed insights into which operations are GPU-accelerated and which fall back to the CPU, helping users identify and optimize performance bottlenecks.

The Need for GPU Acceleration

In the realm of data science, pandas has long been the go-to library for data manipulation and analysis. However, as data volumes grow, CPU-bound pandas workflows can become a bottleneck. This is where GPU acceleration comes into play. By offloading computationally intensive tasks to GPUs, data scientists can capitalize on the parallel processing power of these devices to expedite data analysis tasks.

Introducing cuDF and pandas Accelerator Mode

cuDF is a library that accelerates pandas workflows by utilizing GPUs for faster execution. The cuDF.pandas mode seamlessly integrates with pandas, automatically deciding which operations to accelerate on the GPU and which to fall back to the CPU when necessary. This hybrid approach ensures that users can leverage the speed of GPUs without leaving the comfort of the familiar pandas API.

The cuDF.pandas Profiler

The cuDF.pandas profiler is a powerful tool that provides insights into how much of your code is being executed on the GPU compared to the CPU. This profiler is essential for understanding and optimizing your accelerated pandas workloads. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Enabling the Profiler: To get started, load the cuDF.pandas extension in your notebook:

    %load_ext cudf.pandas
    import pandas as pd
  2. Cell-Level Profiling: Activate profiling on a cell-by-cell basis in Jupyter or IPython:

    df = pd.DataFrame({'a': , 'b': })
    out = df.groupby('a').filter(lambda group: len(group) > 1)

    After the cell completes, you’ll see an output that breaks down which operations ran on the GPU compared to the CPU, how many times each operation was called, and a handy summary for discovering performance bottlenecks.

    Example Output:

    Total time elapsed: 0.256 seconds
    3 GPU function calls in 0.170 seconds
    1 CPU function calls in 0.009 seconds
    ┃ Function ┃ GPU ncalls ┃ GPU cumtime ┃ GPU percall ┃ CPU ncalls ┃ CPU cumtime ┃ CPU percall ┃
    │ DataFrame │ 1 │ 0.031 │ 0.031 │ 0 │ 0.000 │ 0.000 │
    │ DataFrame.min │ 1 │ 0.137 │ 0.137 │ 0 │ 0.000 │ 0.000 │
    │ DataFrame.groupby │ 1 │ 0.001 │ 0.001 │ 0 │ 0.000 │ 0.000 │
    │ DataFrameGroupBy.filter │ 0 │ 0.000 │ 0.000 │ 1 │ 0.009 │ 0.009 │
    Not all pandas operations ran on the GPU. The following functions required CPU fallback:
    - DataFrameGroupBy.filter
  3. Line Profiling: To go a step deeper and see how each line in your cell performed, run the following code example:

    df = pd.DataFrame({'a': , 'b': })
    out = df.groupby('a').filter(lambda group: len(group) > 1)

    Here, the profiler shows execution details line by line, making it easier to spot specific lines of code that are causing CPU fallbacks or performance slowdowns.

    Example Output:

    Total time elapsed: 0.244 seconds
    ┃ Line no. ┃ Line ┃ GPU TIME(s) ┃ CPU TIME(s) ┃
    │ 2 │ df = pd.DataFrame({'a': , 'b': }) │ 0.004833249 │ │
    │ │ │ │ │
    │ 3 │ df.min(axis=1) │ 0.006497159 │ │
    │ │ │ │ │
    │ 4 │ out = df.groupby('a').filter(lambda group: len(group) > 1) │ 0.000599624 │ 0.000347643 │
    │ │ │ │ │

Why Profiling Matters

Profiling is crucial for understanding where CPU fallbacks occur and how to optimize your code for better performance. Here are some key reasons why profiling matters:

  • Identify CPU-Bound Operations: Some operations may trigger CPU fallback. The profiler helps you see precisely where those fallbacks occur, allowing you to adjust your workflow or rewrite certain functions to become more GPU-friendly.

  • Watch for Frequent Data Transfers: Excessive data transfers between CPU and GPU can offset acceleration gains. Identifying these is crucial for maximum speedup, as a repeated sequence of GPU operations followed by CPU operations can generally lead to expensive data transfers.

  • Stay Up-to-Date: cuDF is constantly adding functionality and bridging gaps with pandas. Knowing which methods are currently CPU-bound helps you keep track of future improvements.


The cuDF.pandas profiler is a powerful tool for optimizing your pandas workflows with GPU acceleration. By providing detailed insights into which operations are GPU-accelerated and which fall back to the CPU, it helps you refine your code for the best performance. Whether you’re dealing with large datasets or complex calculations, leveraging the parallel processing power of GPUs can significantly enhance your data analysis tasks. Give the cuDF.pandas profiler a try in your data project to push the boundaries of pandas without leaving the comfort of its familiar API.