Unlocking Faster Protein Structure Prediction with GPU-Accelerated MMseqs2

Summary: Protein structure prediction is a crucial step in understanding biological functions and developing therapeutics. However, traditional computational methods are often limited by their computational complexity and time constraints. The latest iteration of the Multiple Sequence Alignment tool, MMseqs2, has been enhanced with GPU acceleration, providing a substantial boost in speed and efficiency for protein structure prediction. This development has the potential to transform research methodologies across life sciences.

The Challenge of Protein Structure Prediction

Protein structure prediction is a foundational task for many life science researchers. It involves comparing the sequences of multiple related proteins to gain insights into protein structure, function, and evolutionary history. This is often done in the form of a multiple sequence alignment (MSA), which can be computationally intensive and time-consuming.

The Power of GPU Acceleration

Traditional MSA tools rely on CPU-based implementations, which, while effective at sequential processing, cannot match GPU parallel processing capabilities. The joint research team that developed MMseqs2-GPU was led by researchers at Seoul National University, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, and NVIDIA. They approached the problem by developing a novel, gapless prefiltering algorithm tailored to NVIDIA CUDA that enables efficient, high-sensitivity sequence comparisons at unparalleled speeds.

How MMseqs2-GPU Works

MMseqs2-GPU is an updated GPU-accelerated library for evolutionary information retrieval. It uses CUDA to execute optimized compute kernels for gapless and gapped alignments. These kernels leverage multi-threading and memory-sharing features to align many reference sequences in parallel at greater speed.

The tool also supports multi-GPU setups to ensure scalability, enabling researchers to process larger datasets by distributing the computational load across several GPUs. This architecture is highly adaptable to cloud-based environments, making MMseqs2-GPU an attractive option for researchers in academia and industry looking to reduce computational costs without compromising accuracy.

Speed and Accuracy Improvements

The success of MMseqs2-GPU is rooted in redesigning gapless prefiltering and gapped alignment algorithms, leveraging CUDA to deliver rapid, affordable, and scalable sequence alignment that meets today’s bioinformatics research demands.

  • Speed Improvement: Colabfold using MMseqs2-GPU is 22 times faster than AlphaFold2 with JackHMMER and HHblits for protein folding. In practice, this means that instead of waiting 40 minutes to predict a protein structure using HHblits, JackHMMER, and AlphaFold2, you can get that exact prediction in one and a half minutes using Colabfold and MMseqs2-GPU.
  • Accuracy: MMseqs2-GPU achieves these speed and cost benefits without compromising accuracy. It maintains comparable sensitivity and protein folding accuracy, ensuring researchers gain rapid insights without losing reliability.

Impact on Research and Applications

The availability of MMseqs2-GPU means faster inputs to protein structure prediction that can accelerate drug discovery, vaccine design, and the understanding of disease variants. It can also mean faster inputs to protein variant predictors like GEMME, which can be used to deepen our understanding of disease variants and real-time retrieval for protein LLMs like PoET.

Future Prospects

Looking ahead, the joint research team is focused on further refining the algorithms and the MMseqs2 integration, expanding its applications to protein clustering and cascaded database searches. MMseqs2-GPU is open source and available online, providing an invaluable resource for researchers globally.

Table: Comparison of MMseqs2-GPU Performance

Method Time per Sequence Speedup
MMseqs2-GPU (Single NVIDIA L40S) 0.117 seconds 177x
MMseqs2-GPU (Eight NVIDIA L40 GPUs) 0.117 seconds 720x
AlphaFold2 with JackHMMER and HHblits 40 minutes -
Colabfold with MMseqs2-GPU 1.5 minutes 22x

Table: Impact of MMseqs2-GPU on Research Applications

Application Benefit
Drug Discovery Faster inputs to protein structure prediction
Vaccine Design Rapid identification of potential vaccine targets
Disease Variants Deeper understanding of disease variants through faster protein variant prediction
Protein LLMs Real-time retrieval for protein LLMs like PoET


The development of MMseqs2-GPU represents a significant advancement in the field of computational biology. By leveraging GPU acceleration, researchers can now perform protein structure prediction faster and more efficiently, without sacrificing accuracy. This breakthrough has the potential to transform research methodologies across life sciences, accelerating drug discovery, vaccine design, and our understanding of disease variants.